Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tater tot casserole (LOUDLY!)

That's right. You read that right, tater tot casserole. I mean...if a can of cream of mushroom soup, frozen tater tots and ground beef doesn't represent cooking with real food then I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK DOES!
Actually, this casserole was made mostly from scratch. Mostly because I didn't milk any cows, or ferment any soy beans, but if you're doing that then you SHOULDN'T BE READING THIS!
This whole recipe is pretty simple, I used some of the cream of mushroom soup that I've posted here before, I mentioned it's good to freeze and use for cooking AND THAT'S WHAT I DID!
I took a pound of grass-fed CSA ground beef and put it into an 8x8 baking pan, MAKING SURE TO PRESS IT DOWN AND OUT INTO THE CORNERS! Put about 2-3 cups of cream of mushroom soup on top of the beef, a point though, the soup needs to be thick, so if yours isn't that thick than THICKEN IT WITH CORNSTARCH!! Put about a quarter cup of soup into a cup and dissolve in some cornstarch, than MIX IT BACK INTO THE SOUP! This should THICKEN IT NICELY!
Now for the FUN PART! We're going to MAKE HOMEMADE TATER TOTS! This is actually pretty easy, and QUITE A BIT OF FUN! Take your potatoes, I'd say 5-6 good sized potatoes, because you're going to EAT A LOT OF THE TOTS WHILE YOU COOK THEM! Shred the potatoes, you can do this by any method you'd like, I USED A GRATER! Next, you need to squeeze excess water out of the potatoes, the easiest way to do this is with a potato ricer, but you could probably come up with some other CLEVER WAY TO DO IT!
After you've got your de-watered potatoes mix a small amount of flour and beaten egg in with THEM! Be careful with how much egg you add, the goal is to make the 'taters a little sticky, NOT GOOPY! Then add in your spices, I used salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder, PRETTY CLASSIC TOT SPICES! Stir the mixture and FORM IT INTO BALLS! DEEP FRY THOSE BITCHES! After you've fried the tots, hopefully you still have enough to make the casserole, COVER THE BEEF/SOUP MIXTURE WITH TOTS!
Put the casserole in the oven at 350 and bake it for about 45 MINUTES! The tots should be dark brown and the soup hot and bubbly when you TAKE IT OUT OF THE OVEN! Let it cool and EAT IT!

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